Oh i get it now. Thought you meant videos when you said speedpainting. T_T

You know I'm a big fan of these, there is just something in how simple (-looking) and yet perfect it is.
If you were to do a speedpaint video, i would definitely watch it too!

@Acolet @Shia Thank you (^_-)-☆ I'll try to find time to paint more digital sumi e and record them, then. First finish my cute killer whale.

Here comes a compliment sandwich :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger:

Nice balance of shapes, the compositions lead the eye around the page really nicely. Good spacing and implied lines.

As something to look at, using black for shading the tiger made the colour muddy, especially when compared to the super-vibrant fox. There's more of the tiger shaded than not which makes it seem grey with orange bits instead of orange and orange-in-shadow to me. Especially with the back shaded since that bit would normally be lit given a clear field and assuming a sun-like source. I guess it gives the back a nice plane but the same might have been achieved using orange? Not sure.
So in summary if the wash were used more sparingly it would un-muddy the colour some.

Good work doing actual tiger-y stripes, that can be hard to get right. Looking forward to seeing what animal is next! (Sorry it looks bad having the "improvement" part so much longer but I feel like I need to explain myself and suggest things to try there instead of just saying "Tiger's colour is muddy" and moving on. But who knows, maybe that would have been enough? Ah well I already wrote all this so here you go lol)

Beautiful :sunny: These are some of the types of paintings that I find really inspiring

@karidyas @taydemcdonald Thanks a lot for your kind words! I rarely hear positive things about my art so I can take pretty much any kind of feedback. You're right about the muddy colours. The big difference between the two is the techniques I was going for were based on my studies years ago. Sumi e with only watercolours and sumi e with ink + watercolours. Thus I painted the fox with colours only, giving it a much happier and brighter look. And as you can guess, I didn't think about the lighting direction ^-^"
Which do you all prefer?

Long live the sandwich method :')

It's not so much about which method I prefer, they're both valid and I can see what you're going for, just be a bit more careful when using the black ink is all :smile:


Sorry for the low quality photo. Don't want it to be sold by Ebay people. The texture in the water is real, though.

'An Amazing Revenge'

omg. I love this so much! At first i thought the reflection in the water was a shark instead of a reflection but now that it is finished, i can see what everything is! Love how the whale lights the boat up as well. ❤

Thanks! :blush: It's actually the ocean that's giving off light. You know, the yakamoz / plankton thingies. They're also in The Life of Pie. So there are two light sources, the sea and the whale.

Awesome Painting!! Love these kind of work the most!

6 months later

8 days later

Garden of Kings Speedpainting. Finished :smile:

9 days later

4 months later

8 days later

@mrdeathclaw92 Thank you for sharing your thoughts on that whale painting. I'm always curious to know what others feel when they look at my art.

Here another finished inktober piece. 'Heart'