
Thanks for stopping to take a look. This my latest piece, that I started a really long time ago ,cough cough 2014 cough, from a sketch book exploration page. I finally got around to refining the idea and sprucing it up into what it is today. Oh yeah, the little victories in life! :smile:

Just a Rain Forest Elf lady grabbing her well watered tiger steed by the telepathic reins, and saddling up for the next step in their journey. And yes, telepathic because I don't know how one gets a bridle on a cat, I don't feel its a wise move to try and force that on something that has such sharp teeth and big cattitude. So I ended up dropping the reins and just having a saddle. I also decided I'd give her some attitude as well, I personally call it the Artemus eyes. She sees you, and she ain't gonna deal with none of your shit, so don't even try.

I did a wee bit of photo bash with the sniper rifle. I'm not a huge fan of drawing guns it seems. The rest is rendered.


C and C is totally welcome. Let me know what you think!


P.S. I would not at all recommend riding in assless chaps or fishnets! LOL

4 months later

Looking great! I'd make some changes to the waterline though. It flows around your character unnaturally at the moment while she's not standing on higher grounds.

I love that the tiger has no reigns. Like in horse riding you don't really need them and mostly steer your horse with your leg muscles. (in English riding it is, not in Western style)

Also, if you put less details in the background (try looking into atmospheric perspective) the characters will pop more and you'll create a great focal point in your piece!

i really like the way you rendered the tiger and was looking into starting to draw more animals myself any tips?