A recent drawing. A redraw of an old drawing I did back in 2012

Hey Lawry! ^^I rly like the style of your art :smile: Keep it up :wink:!

hi lawry! your designs are so juicy! ^^ can't wait to improve myself and give a try to convert theme in 3D with ZBrush and Marvelous Designer :smiley:

Looking good! I see your understanding of form is better than earlier. I like that Sol drawing. :smile:

yap, that Soldrawing is really great, his whole pose and his expression!

Thanks :smile: I wanted to colour it originally, but changed my mind last minute haha

really did your drawings so far and defiantly can see them turning into something super awesome one day ^_^ really look forward to seeing more of your work

Thank you!
Hopefully that day comes ^^
I saw your entry for the A league. LOVE the colours and pose :smiley:

wow dude these are awesome. keep it up!