Hello guys

I’m starting this 7 months into my art journey since I didn’t understand how the forum worked back in January and just hopped off. Im gonna try and recount what I did during term 1 and why I did it. I’m currently on term 2 week 4 so it’ll take some time to get everything uploaded neatly but it starts now

See you guys soon

Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your progress :smile:

Welcome to the forums! What name do you go by? is levelhead14 ok?

Either way, looking forward to your progress!

18 days later

I'm back
I'm gonna start with the context of where I actually started drawing before Art school, which was the start of 2023. The volume of art was much less as I didn't have the discipline I do now. These pictures will contain all of my work in 2023, even the drawings I'm embarrassed to show

I haven't made a name for what I want to be called yet, even though I put 'lesqueege' as the forum title. I'll figure it out later