2- point perspective study

I think I need to work more on 2-point, I'm still not super comfortable with it so let me know if you guys see anything I could improve on! Thank you :relaxed:

Another 1-point prospective study. This one gave me some trouble with the vaulted roof and off-center window haha, I'm not sure how successful it was :sweat_smile:
Also, I'm trying to add some clutter/ details... I haven't decided on the placement so let me know what you guys think of the rough out!

My latest 2 point perspective study that I went a bit overboard on 😅
I think I feel comfortable enough to start moving on to the 2nd term and I'm super excited!

I've been working through Term 2 and here are some of my studies from Anatomy 1! Let me know what you guys think I'd love some feedback! :relaxed:

The freckles are such a nice touch.

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well!
I have been working on more head studies and I would love any feedback you guys have!

The one in the middle of the top row and the one on the bottom left gave me a lot of trouble and I still feel like they look weird, if you have any tips or critiques I'd really, really appreciate it! Thank you guys so, so much :blush: :pray:

I see what you mean about those heads not looking exactly right. Those are tough angles. I did a quick check, and you mostly nailed it, it's just the slight curves of the nose that make them look weird and the ear positions. Hope this helps.

Hey, it's cool to see what will be worked on in Unit 1. The way you colour skin looks great!

@WeirdOwl Thank you so much for your help!! That was so kind of you do that for me, I'll definitely go back and try to tweak them today before the live stream! :pray: :sparkling_heart:

@boscoheron Thank you so much! I'm super excited to keep going!

Three point perspective work in progress! Let me know what you think, the scene still feels pretty empty to me...

mayyybe it feels empty because there is no a real focal point? I think that you could probably put something in far distance to attract the eye and maybe add a bit of storytelling. But for the proportion class itself this is very good :heart_eyes:

thank you, that's a great idea! Yeah you're totally right I kinda just didn't add a focal point, I can't believe I didn't notice that 😅

I finally finished my 1-point perspective room! Let me know what you think!

Lovely colors and mood! Attention to details is top-notch as well, very succesful piece, I would only add some reflections in glass because the frames look now pretty empty and that's my only critic :smile: