Oh man it's been a while. I focused on learning some more tools and knowledge for cinematic ready assets and this is one of the finished pieces so far with said knowledge applied! Xgen, Arnold Render, Udim, etc etc.

He was super fun to create so I hope you guys enjoy viewing this as much as I had fun creating it!

Feel free to follow me on instagram and artstation for more progress images if you like what you see!


Awesome work!!! :wink: If you had added the sun, that would have been really dope. Also, out of curiosity, how many hours did it take? Sorry for my bad english btw :S

No problem your English is great!

It was a huge learning process (I learnt Xgen, Arnold Rendering, Marvelous at the same time) so it took about month and half so ... 6 weeks I think. That's about 240 hours ha ha.

However, I recently made Yuffie Kisaragi using the same techniques and it took only about half of the time, so probably 3 weeks or so :smile:

Well... Those hours certainly paid off :wink:.

Stunning work! That iridescent tint in the armor... great details!

Absolutely fantastic! I cannot begin to comprehend all this.

1 month later

Super late response here, but I really appreciate the love guys!

Thanks for the support!

Again I apologize, when work gets busy I tend to completely forget about what I've posted ...

Thanks! I did extensive research on those tints!! It happens when the coated darkening layer becomes thinner and thinner, very interesting!