I really like the second one instead :smile: Really awesome study! I have to learn from you how to do eyelashes, I always struggle with that ahaha

Those eyes are pretty good! Since it appears we're naming our favorites, I'd say for me it's either 2 or 5. I think you really nailed the volumes and angle on 5. :smile:

Thanks ! I really like the 5th eye too :smiley:

My favorite is #5 as well. Thought you really nailed it.

Some noses. These ones were a bit more difficult and I didn't want to spend so much time as I did with the eyes so the may look a bit blurry :S

Some mouths I painted. The fourth one is my least favorite :S

I think 1st and 3rd turned out the best. 4th would be great too, except for how the teeth read.
I really like how teeth turned out on the 3rd one. It's just a few brush strokes, but they have so much volume!

A 2 and a half hour study for the Anatomy assignments. Hope you like it :D.

That's an awesome fast drawing. Very well done. I think you did the lips very well and the hair volume reads perfect even with the wide brush strokes.
I feel like the nose feels a bit off. Maybe it's how far down the wings go? Would be easier to tell if you attached the reference.

Ah, yes. That's easier to see.
I moved things a bit with the liquify tool. What do you think? It is my own opinion, so feel free to ignore :sweat_smile:

There is something weird with the nose but I can see what you're trying to say :wink:

Yeah, I didn't polish the nose or anything, so during the move the right nostril got distorted. :sweat_smile:

14 days later

Another face study and the reference. The lightning was very difficult xd

Fast 3 point perspective exercise. I just wanted to draw Ba Sing Se from Avatar.

Yay! Ba Sing Se! One of my favorite shows ever! You got extra points just for picking it.
As for perspective, I get the uneasy feeling that the main road going to the central arch is slightly off... Maybe it's just the connection point with the entrance itself.

I get a feeling that something is off too, thanks for the reply btw xd

8 days later

I'm back (again) :smiley: . Here my work for the final exercise of the Perspective 2 Assignments with the classic 2B uwu. This exercise was quite "strange" so I will ask Marc for help to further understand the exercise.