Hello everyone, my name is Locke. I got extremely interested in art when I attempted to create my own Dungeons and Dragons maps to use in my campaigns. My original background is in education and medicine. I have no background in art, have never taken an art class and have no relevant experience. So needless to say I found making these maps challenging. I found Marc's Art School streams on youtube and continued to learn from there. I continued to practice making DnD maps and assets for several months with a mouse when I realized I would need to become a better artist overall to achieve the goals I wanted.

So, about a month and a half ago, I purchased a tablet, joined art school and got to work. I will post some of my starting work and some of my newer work as well. I am super excited to join the live streams this weekend and look forward to learning with everyone else.

Please feel free to critique any mistakes as I frequently don't know what I'm doing! :relaxed:

This is my first attempts with these assignments for Term One.

This is my first time attempting the digital pen control assignment.

My first cylinder practice.

This is my first proportions practice.

This is my work after about three weeks of practice! I felt a good amount of improvement, some of these, especially the measuring practice took a great deal of time but I was happy with them.

My cylinders after some practice

This is me working on measuring proportions and more cylinders.

This is was my improvement on the pen control at this point.

I also started gesture drawings at this point. Which I found to be the most difficult thing I have done yet. Most of the other work I was able to put as much time as I needed into them to do the best that I can. So I found gesture drawing very frustrating at first.

This is some of my most recent practice!

I practice gesture drawing quite a bit and struggle quite a bit :smirk: but I keep practicing. After doing this set of 30 second poses I found that I was not getting as much information and struggling quite a bit, so I bumped my timer up to one minute after this set.

This is some one minute gesture practice after another week or so.

This is my measuring practice around this time.

My proportions practice from this time

This is my first attempt at the 1 point perspective assignment.

Here are some more recent gesture drawings