Hello everyone, my name is Locke. I got extremely interested in art when I attempted to create my own Dungeons and Dragons maps to use in my campaigns. My original background is in education and medicine. I have no background in art, have never taken an art class and have no relevant experience. So needless to say I found making these maps challenging. I found Marc's Art School streams on youtube and continued to learn from there. I continued to practice making DnD maps and assets for several months with a mouse when I realized I would need to become a better artist overall to achieve the goals I wanted.
So, about a month and a half ago, I purchased a tablet, joined art school and got to work. I will post some of my starting work and some of my newer work as well. I am super excited to join the live streams this weekend and look forward to learning with everyone else.
Please feel free to critique any mistakes as I frequently don't know what I'm doing!
Jan 20, '22
last reply
Oct 20, '23
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