Here you go. Hope this helps. Check other critiques for pose and gesture tuts.
(EDIT: I made this when I was really tired and I shouldn't have. I have added an addendum below it. The hips and legs bothered me when I looked at them after some rest. So I drew the bones to figure out what was going wrong. I really had to do some figure invention to find what was going on. Sorry for going in too deep I just dont want to give people bad information. As you read this one, Just know that I am correcting what I am showing you about the femurs and legs. I am focusing on anatomy critiques to solve my own problems there.
First, the legs seem mis-informed in regards to depth or proportional length. I went in trying to solve the issue of adding depth to (her) right leg, and where the foot was planted, because it seemed to be more forward facing.
Second, where I went wrong was assuming that you had the hips in a specific area, which would change the legs you had entirely, so I tried to show you where the legs would go with that pose.
Lastly, what I should have done was find a way to give you the pose you wanted, the one you think is correct here, with better anatomical knowledge. Thanks for this opportunity, I will be more focused on this aspect the next time I help someone.)
(EDIT: I made this demo to share with people as an example of gesture and how to apply it in a short pose format. I thought I would share it here so you could have it.)