Heyyy, good work!
One big advice would be : watch out for too much details! You got a pretty busy scene with a lot of work in it indeed, but feels like you put too much work on the character for what it deserved first! Idk your character is very detailed but appears really small compared to your overall composition, forcing you to post another image with a detailed view of it. More of that, some parts of your background are very shiny and appealing but not so detailed at all, so It feels a bit unbalanced.
I would say I like the second one more than the first one, because of the stronger composition and balance of details (character vs. background). But you could have been more simple about your character for composition's sake; the little details scintillate at that small resolution.
I hope I'm clear with my comment, not so pro wIth English so I could seem a bit aggressive (that's obviously not the case, just helping)