Thank you. Glad you like my work. :grin:

Are you planning to make a whole world with these characters? Cause they both look like they could be! :open_mouth:

Yes I am actually. In planning stages for both worlds at the moment. After a few more characters I'll have a better style guide to follow for the rest.

I love those new works. Interesting designs and concepts.

11 days later

So I haven't updated this blog in a while so here's my latest painting for the weekly which everyone should check out. This is speedpainting number 6 or 7. I couldn't land on a idea I actually liked for a while. Lots learned so I guess that's a good thing.

Omg @malcom dude your stuff is amazing I love the painterly feel, also great work on the concepts, ive gotta try that. keep it up XD

@haith92 Thank you. I try. I love the painterly style. Like you I was inspired by Marc Brunet a lot...I use to paint traditionally when I was younger so it feels good to do it now digitally.
@ragemuffin Thank you. My first time doing a knight so I wasn't sure how things turn out. It was challenging.

Wow man you've definitely improved in leaps and bounds. We'll do enough mate!

@nickkhoo Thank you for you comment.

Here's my latest wip at the moment. Was going to submit for weekly but I won't finish in time. So I've decided to work on the character more as well as give her a back story an stuff. She's still in a rough stage. C&C welcomed as always

Here is my latest piece I posted for the weekly. I might go back an re-work the rim light as well as the hair. Those are the biggest areas I notice at the moment that really matter for the piece. C&C always welcomed.

That looks really good! The values are beautiful in this one!
Tho, I think you'd have a more overall look if you just use a hard brush, instead of a combination of hard and soft. The image feels a bit blurry in certain places. A good example is the hair, I love the hair of the girl on the right more, since you've used more sharp shading and edges, while the one on the left had more gradient shadows.

I believe your right. I could use more hard edges. Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep that in mind for my next piece.

10 days later

Newest piece that was done for weekly. I believe I went in a different direction than what I though everyone else going to do. Maybe I over thought the idea. Let me know guys. Will post more stuff later.

Did you use a photo as a background base? I think it looks really great, especially the clouds :smile:

The character itself looks good, with the exception that her shirt seems to become muddled with her torso. I guess it is because there are no sharp edges between the shirt and her skin. Also, her right arm seems to be shorter than her left. With that pose, I would think her head should be a little lower, since she is leaning on her right arm. This would cause the shoulder line to be slightly tilted, which would make the arms look better.

Anyway, that's just random thoughts that occured to me while looking at it, it is a really good interpretation of the weekly challenge :smile:

Thank you for the feedback. :grin:
Lets go in order.
background was done using multiple photos(photo manipulation) and then painted over top of to get the look I wanted. I manully painted other things such as the clouds, mountains and sand. Really needed the photos for colors but I up'ed the saturation and painted over everything to make it more of what I wanted.

Yeah the shirt can blend in areas with the skin but the focus wasn't in that area so hopefully it wasn't something you noticed at first glance. I can always go back and fix that if its an major problem.

The right arm feeling shorter to the left is something I thought about as well. The Bicep looks small. Luckily that's not an hard change to make.

The head any lower an it looked off. I used a reference to double check it. Maybe its because of the collar it appears the way it does. I don't know.

Glad you liked my interpretation of it. :smile: Again thanks a lot for the feedback. Really appreciate it.

This really reminds me of Marc Brunet's art! Great job with the scenery!

Thank you! It is kinda similar. I love painterly stuff and he does it well. Glad you like the scenery. I was very scared because I had no idea what I was doing really. Don't normally do backgrounds like ever. So i'm happy it came out looking decent.

Now onto new characters. Here are some early wips. Same character different skins/costumes. C&C always welcome

Going to call this finished for now so I can move on to other things.
Next character will be better. I stopped having fun with this one and I believe it shows.