Actually, I kindof thought I knew what I was talking about, but I had some trouble trying to give you better feedback as to what specifically you should change to improve it...
I mean, you can always be more consistent between the sleeves and the body, but when I put a 3D model in the same pose as your dude, and look at the contour lines on THAT body, in the same general perspective (exaggerating a bit for effect)... I get this:
The weird thing is... it kindof looks like even above the eye level, the contours on the model's shoulders still look like they're seen from-above... the line across the hips is more or less exactly the curve that you have... and the legs' contours don't seem to follow the perspective at all -- they're from above, then from below, then heck knows what else.
So, uh... I'm a bit stumped myself now. I thought this was a simple fix, and now I'm wondering what to do myself.
I guess this is worth asking Mark about, maybe?