Finally a dope forum I can use to post everything! :smiley:

There are 125 replies with an estimated read time of 13 minutes.

Good start. Loving the hair and face so far. Base colors are appealing. Look forward to final.

I like that you're going with softer colors for this one! :smile:

Love the eyelashes. Very interested to see how this might develope, coz i think there is a bit of empty space either side atm.

This is looking so pretty! Great wip so far, it's always interesting to see how you start out with a piece :]

Cool stuff Marc, I can't wait to see where it goes from here!

marc you like much girl painting, i see....

looks very nice so far. She's hot as hell already. I can't wait to see the final painting.

17 days later

14 days later

Sweet stuff Marc! You mentioned you've been doing a lot of traditional stuff, does that mean we get to see traditional paintings from ya? ;3

No paintings, but I'll be posting some clay sculpt shots soon-ish hopefully :smile:

If the tutorial is on drawing sexy fantasy female characters i'm in. Look forward to the clay sculpts.
Nice figures here. Great anatomy. For the one on the right, in that angle, wouldn't the stomach pop out a little more as well as a line showing the separation of the leg and stomach? It's nothing big, but just something I noticed. Not at all needed; plus you said this is early. They all look cool and interesting. Love how you are able to make them all look to be the same race but still different enough that each are there own character. Just the little things like ears being different as well as the hair defining their looks. Poses and faces help expressing the characters as well. Don't know what the tutorial will be about but looks to be an awesome pick up in the future. :smile:

Some progress - still super early! The tut will be on character customization for games. All games have some level of customization now so this will show how to (hopefully) properly design with that in mind, with all the technicalities that come with it. Should be fun :smile:

There will be a 3D follow-up after that, on how to actually build all that stuff!


Loving it already. My favorite is the one that's on the left now (previously on the right). My favorite colors are in that one. Interested in the 3d aspect as well. Guessing that's why all of them have similar body types but different heads?

If you can answer, will you be hand painting the models using 3d coat like the pink blades model or will you do things in substance painter again like in red guard?

Anyway look forward to further updates.

Lastly colors for all are great. The flowers have good color palettes to steal. I've been interested in a tutorial like this. Look forward to it.

10 days later

One more WIP! Will probably post the rest once I'm completely done :smile:

Is she also apart of the flower girls tutorial your working on as well? I ask because she has similar hair. This is easily one of the most badass characters I've seen in a while. :grin: The design elements look really cool and work well together. Looks like she has an shield and some kind of melee weapon. The melee weapon looks like a beetle head. In a game she would be a dps from my guess. OR even defense character in overwatch terms(I play this game way to much) Lines are beautiful. Keep up the good work and thanks for the motivation. :+1:
Only thing I'm wondering about is how colors will effect the overall balance of things.

the last character is very beautiful and fresh!! < 3

I srsly love you're illustration style marc. It takes so long to do 3d in my free time at home. As soon as I finish these last 2 modeling projects, i'm leaving free-time 3d work behind and going 2d. I'll be catching up on your lessons :smile: