Hey Marjan. I few pointers with your line work. I’m going to assume you might be using a little more wrist in your line work? I suggest trying to use the shoulder, using the shoulder gives more smoothness but also allows you to draw length. Wrist is very good at details, but not distance if that makes sense. I also notice that you look like you have hesitancy when putting down the line, you can see it in the wobbliness. One way to fix this is to stroke fast, I takes a fair bit of practice but it does remove the wobbliness. I know it can be hard to stroke fast and stop on a specific spot, but with practice you’ll get there. You can also try ghosting your lines, ie practice the motion of the line you want to put down but without actually drawing the line, once you have done this a few times then lay the stroke. If you want more details on this stuff I suggest looking up drawabox, it’s great for this! Good luck 😉