i think this is a nice scene so far. Just a nice simple background with some mountains an a nice blue sky with clouds would be all you need. You can add Peaches castle as well if you wanted.
To be more funny, you can draw a tree in the scene with Bowser behind it.
Anyway keep up with the good work.

XD That sounds like fun. I was thinking about adding a cherry blossom tree behind peach but adding Bowser would be too awesome, I'll give it a shot XD.

This image was more practice with line art. I used the G pen for the first time in clip studio. Was pretty happy with the look.

This thread is really more about my Journey as an artist. I'm pushing everyday to get better going more than 4 to 5 hours a day. It's been a lot of fun discovering techniques which on another note every time I discover something I feel like my life is an RPG game and I somehow (like D.Va) leveled up.

Since this is a blog, I'd like to mention that I grew up drawing. I was the kid who didn't play toys with the others but would take a Nintendo cartridge (a reference :P) and draw what I saw (triangle people).

Anyways, thanks for having a look at my work, I'll try to update at least once a day!

2 months later