Hello everyone!

I want to improve my drawing skills and also learn painting, which I don't have much experience and most of the times I have no idea what I'm doing :). It would be awesome if I could get some comments every once in a while telling me if I'm doing the right thing or not and some tips here and there for guidance.

My current practices have been:
- quick gestures from photos and videos
- longer figure studies following more or less what is shown in Hampton's book
- I've read "Perspective Made Easy", but not sure how to practice it yet
- I plan on starting to look for videos explaining Values, and do some studies ( if any of you have
recommendations on free material on this subject, please let me know)

I have a problem with consistency, like, there are days I can do things I like and days that it just looks as if I had lost all my skills.

So that's it. Thanks.


Here are some of my recent stuff:

These aren't that recent and aren't that old either:

Hey @Mateus!
looks pretty solid everything here, maybe you want to also look into more illustrating and painting, like with a finished line-work base adding colors and values.
Also try out as much as you can, like landscape painting, maybe some 3D modelling if you're feeling fancy ^^ Try to sketch and paint alot from refrence, no shame in doing that- its way better to learn fundamentals that way, instead of copying line work, try and look up real human refrences.
keep it rolling :wink:

Hi @chriswhatelse , thanks for dropping by and for these tips. I definitely have to make more studies from photos. I tend to end up drawing mostly blizzard stuff in the end. At the moment I'm looking into learning the basics of values.

Good to see you still here after artwar. Nice start so far. Like @chriswhatelse already said, study from real people.
here's 2 youtube channels I like.
Draw This
These should help a lot.

Good thing you already do 3d. A cool study you can do for materials is to make something in zbrush an render in keyshot(or use zbrush bpr passes) This is something you can do to study values. I personally like this kind of study.
I'll be keeping an eye out for this blog. Keep up the good work bro.

I didn't know the Draw This channel, it seems a very nice resource.
That's an interesting idea about the 3D studies, I'll keep that in mind.

And yeah, I thought it would be a good idea to open a thread here and see if can get something out of it. I've been trying to learn by myself but I feel lost sometimes.

Thanks for the help man. I appreciate that.

Just a sketch. Elves and Dwarves are my favorite things to draw.