Hey beliroz, thanks for passing by :smiley:

Retopo is in progress but not 100% sure of my approach of it at the moment. Still trying to figure out what would be the best, all in one, separate some pieces, separate all the pieces.. Still a loooong way to go ahah

21 days later

After 2 weeks fighting with my computer, finally able to do some retopo. Still stuck on my laptop tho so detailing and texturing will have to wait for a moment unfortunatly :frowning:

Here is what the topology look like right now. Mostly done in topogun, tweaked some stuff inside of zbrush as well. I think i will keep that for this guy. Now the fun part ====> Uv's.

9 days later

That looks very cool! Just finished my first retop, I never knew it'd be that much work. Very nice!

Thanks :smile:
And yeah retopo takes a lot of work but in the end that's soooo satisfying to see

19 days later

Ok so after a loooong time busy doing something else, i started working on this guy again. Trying out some textures, which is quite tricky simply because I don't have a precise idea of what I want to do with it. But here are the results of my first test.
This is stll WIP and the colors will more than likely change again before it's done. But for the moment they are the best way for me to clear my mind and try to get something out of it.

I will try to update a bit more often on that as I have some times to work on it

Really digging the design, especially the eyes and helmet. I think making the suit materials a bit more shiny could add more interest =)

Thanks for the feedback :smile:
I think I've changed the eyes almost every time I opened the files and there will probably be 15 more iterations in the futur ahah
I'll try make it more shiny see what I can get. Crazy how much I struggle with that guy :open_mouth:

Really liking it. Perhaps the eyes can change depending on the situation? Like a screen.

That was actually the first idea. I wanted to have something that look like a led screen changing colors and maybe form with the danger. But i haven't dig into that enough until now;
At some point I was also thinking to have the same color change on the yellow lines of the second version

Really like this las character. There is a "space kingdom heart" vibe! Will follow your work! :smiley:

Thanks man. You actually gave me an idea for a weapon mentionning Kingdom Heart :smiley:

Annnnnd I made an other version. Three versions actually... This time with the color change on the helmet as well.
Not sure which one I prefer in the end. But the global color combination of the suit will more than likely be the final version.

Note: The emissive aspect on the lines of the suite is more a "bling bling/ me trying stuff in substance" for now. This may as well be removed in the final render :wink:

I'm liking it, but not that into the skin colored parts of the suit. Looks cool as heck though!

8 days later

Incredible model. My favorite texture would be the one with the green lights, but I am a sucker for neon green like this, so I am biased.
Maybe reincorporate them into the blade somehow, kinda like this?

Can't wait to see the final result.

Nice, I like the idea of the circle. I tried to incorporate the light on other places but wasn't really working. I will give a try with that :smile:

For the color, I couldn't choose myself, so, as the model is now rigged, I will probably go for 3 poses to have the 3 colors in the end once the shading inside arnold is done