Hiya, my name is Mpuma! I am 19 from South Africa and aspiring to be an animation artist! I don't have the most experience when it comes to art but I have been doing my best when it comes to building my own foundation. Unfortunately, I couldn't immigrate to the school I was initially accepted to so I thought I might as well do as much as possible to keep progressing while waiting for another opportunity to continue my journey. I'm extremely excited to start the course and grow alongside many of you!

Welcome to the forums Mpuma! I look forward to seeing your progress!

1 month later

Hello again!

I have been a little busy recently. I went through some slip-ups and technical issues but I'm here to show just a little of the effort I went through the last few weeks. This is specifically the figure drawing portion of Term 1. These 3 figures don't show the hundreds of gestures, the tens of assignment practices, and the several studies I've done but they are a sign of progress and progress I'm quite happy with.

I recognize they aren't done with solid line work, lighting, and a lot of other polish. That's not how my process of learning works and that's ok, all of that comes with time but I would be more than happy to receive criticism on the figure themselves because I'm not able to spot all of the mistakes myself. With that, I want to thank you for reading the post and hope you take care!

4 months later


I recently felt like I finished w Term 2. You could probably give a fair argument that I haven't but I'm going ahead anyway haha. I'll just leave all the assignments I finished here with some stuff studies I was personally proud of!

Yeah, there are quite a few of these. I'll add the assignments now. This was just to give you a little break after witnessing some of the most talented and well-thought-out art you've ever seen before.

Now you may be wondering why this is a different post. It's because I was gated by the website foolishly thinking I'm a "new" user. Anyway enjoy!

Once again the 5 image cap strikes again for "new" users

As you couldn't tell some of these are scuffed and some of the assignments aren't here. There are two reasons for that. The first reason is I was incompetent. The second was I was lazy to perfect it or just didn't know enough about what I was doing to produce something more finished. The things I did put effort into are hopefully recognisable and that's enough for me. Hopefully, it's not another lifetime before I provide another update that everyone was just begging for. You can tell based on the hundreds of replies before this.

Take care and have a fantastic day!

Hi Mpuma! First time passing here. You're doing great! Don't rush through any practice or assignment (a piece of advice for myself before anyone else :grin: cause I tend to do that)

Keep it up!