Ended up pointing many things out and as I read through it I have to say it could be a bit overwhelming. Take it slow, bud. Here we go: so the main light in the scene is the sun at sunset and the second would be the magical circle around the axe. I've found a picture of the sun setting down to explain it better. When it's sunset it's practically dark with tints of orange but your forest stays well lit, and I feel like th magic circle isn't glowing at all. It's almost looks like it's just some grain or dust forming a pentagram. I'd make sure the tree on the right and the branches above recieve some light from the circle, as well as some grass casting small shadows around it. 2 light sources put close to one another is another thing I'd like to avoid.
Orange and yellow are both warm colours and they provide lighting in the scene so the shadows had to be cool to balance things out.
Also I see that you have the background and midground elemnets but no foreground ones, some bushes or grass will do the trick. I desaturated the image and as you can see the sun practically blends in with the background making it look like a fog. Some value separation would benefit your piece, a bit more contrast all-around. And I'd try to stay away from deeply saturated colours unless used as accent colours.
Then there are points of interest. You've got the monster, the axe and the rock. The all seek attention in an equal way so they eye just can't focus, it isn't guided. I'd like it more as a centered composition as you've got some symmetry going around and it'd split the canvas in two and get axe the most amount of attention.
That'd be it. I hope I helped. Keep at it!