I think this looks better :smile:

another ball, I was finally faster with that one :smile: and a WIP because I don´t just draw forms all day...

So after a long time ago I took a break today from drawing. I was watching Phantastic Beasts in theater, it was really inspiring :smile:
so here is just another WIP from the last days:

Good work on those shapes, keep it up. I really like your last sketches, hope to see the finished version of the last one :relaxed:

Thank you @Gyruum and @ragamuffin! yes I will finish it, it just will take some time, ´but I will do it :smile:
I forgot to post sth yesterday, whoops:

So iwas concentrating so much on rendering and how the one shadow affects the other form that I totally forgot to do the basic thing before all that: perspective of the two objects. I noticed that after rendering so I did it without rendering on the second picture.

I think I should try to paint from nature again, I will learn more there even though photoreferences were for the start easier.

I forgot again to upload, so here is a character from yesterday and today, but I am not finished with the values yet:

one of my gesturetraining, practicing on line weight:

finally finished! still a whole week, but it felt better :

two of my studies from today, hands will be the task for the next weeks, yup :stuck_out_tongue:

Wip of a muscular mask dude: