Sooo, here is another Artblog that will start today :3 I try to post as often as I can, and hopefully that will be someday a memory of my process when I was starting. Feel free to criticize, I can take everything as long as it is constructive.
the first thing is a little boring, but I really have to work on my noses and the value especially:

Great!! better noses than what I can do...speacially the color one

@fathomcube thank you! but I did that from reference, it is still hard for me to put that out of my memory....

so here I just played around with a brush and I actually liked it so I think I will make a finished painting of it when I have time :smile:

23 days later

That is looking really cool! So she like, fuses with the rock? That's pretty neato :grin:

Hey, last artwork is really nice, but and really muddy. Try to use more solid brush, even without transparency and focus on solid shapes and just after that add light and shadow. When You add shadows and lights try to keep your tonal scale very simple and limited, because now You're using palette like almost from black to white on same object and it start to look too noisy, fractional and unreadable. If you solve this muddiness - you'll become awesome! :grin: :octopus: