Hello Everyone and nice to meet all of you !

I'm a fresh student who started the course four days ago ! I've never touched Photoshop, drawing or anything until this point and i'm excited and happy to begin this new chapter of my life with all of you !

I'm a 24 french guy who did a lot of thing in his life ( a lot for me ) i did the army as a sergent, i've got a degree in Law did one year of medical at the Uni and a lot of little job down and there !

I'm the good for nothing of the family and my goal is to become a great artist one day ! I start from scratch i dont have any knowledge and i hope to find in this course a good way to express the creativity i have perhaps in me !

I just finished yesterday the how to use photoshop tutorial and completed my assignement ! I'm now studying life drawing and i hope to do great ! I've checked upon a lot of the topics here and it baffle me how good you all are i hope to do at least 1/4 of what you do one day !

Thanks a lot for the time and i'll see you around !

Welcome to the forums Nathanielle! Everyone starts exactly where you are so you are in good company. I look forward to seeing your progress!

Thanks a lot ! I checked your topic like 30 min ago ahah ! I hope to grow with all of you and thanks i want to see all your art too !!!

My first cylinder attempt ! ( I messed up the " bones " structures because the drawing on the right was my training at it ( with other more ) and i ve redone it on the left ! ( Ive come to understand that because i dont know where the collar bone end and the pelvis so i tend to shrink them ! )

Thanks a lot ! I think ive made a mistake because i ve drawn thé cylinder not flat but slightly curved ! I shall correct it !

Ive tried on those two images to only do " cylindric " form, without adjusting the shapes off the human body. !

But i think i will return to adapt it to the human body cuz i prefere the look of it !

I try to make the lines as straight as possible ! Im proud of it !

One last cylinder adjusted to the forms of the model ! I will now continue the lessons and learn more to draw better !