Hey guys! getting back into forums. i'm pulling this painting out of my 2015 scraps and reworking it. feels like its gonna be a banger, but id like to completely re-render the hands, face, and ocean above (did have bubbles leading up but ive hid the layer for now.) lmk if you spot anything or have any ideas about it! :)))

1 month later

Long time since upload! I took on a self portrait project head on, it turned out really well! Its up on my gram ( https://www.instagram.com/dee.lov/ ) if you want to check it out!

Since january I've been working on taking on fundamentals as well as some sideprojects.

This here is a long term figure study I did to wrap up term 1 with Marc's ARTSCHOOL. I tied in some major rendering practice based on what I've been learning from the Istebrak community. I feel like it turned out well, but most places I've posted, I haven't received much crit

This is a 1 hour warmup for today! I want to learn environments, for the structure and because they are inspiring. Most of my struggle here is deciding what is necessity in the early and quick render of an environment.

Hope you enjoy! :smile: Let me know what you think of these!

3 months later

Day 2, was very lucky to find a used book about NC wyeth, who is among the artists im studying from atm.
In other news, the tablet i was using (brand new btw) busted , and i have to get a pen for it. in the mean time, i will be doing these in acrylic, which is what's below :smile:

back for my 3rd day (out of 21). many of these are by nc wyeth, as mentioned before, and im starting to consciously pick up some techniques he's using. the foremost for me is that he is commonly using environmental values/colors on characters in which the tangents of each value cross over, creating i guess what could be called negative space or creating free connection between the character and environment. hard to explain i guess! but im very happy to have picked this up

tldr: learning with nc wyeths illustrations and having a good time!

day 4! my replacement pen came 6 days early! go amazon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with this being the 4th day, i think im going to move into value studies next. im only spending an hour with this daily, so we will see how a bigger study does tomorrow!

im picking up more and more on tangents as important aspects of environment-character interaction and create a piece unified in color and value. have a ref of that below alongside my studies for today

Day 5! i've moved on to a longer term study, i think i will push this one into tomorrow so i can pick up some more information, and practice edges!

in the original im picking up the casual 'directing the eye' kind of movements, however, it is interesting to see all the ways it is being used in the image, including the javelins, the thrown arm, and of course the columns

did not post for yesterday's day 6, i did paint though! here is the finished 2 hour study of nc wyeth's "slaughter of the suitors"

and day 7, i began a study of an illustration by schoonover, ill be putting this one into 2 hours as well! in this one, the idea of layering the scene back to front feels very necessary for me to successfully study. its cool with me, but different from how i approached the wyeth study

akira fan, lovely stuff mate, keep it up!! :smile:

@patrone definitely! still getting started on the illustration accompanying those akira studies :wink:

here is day 8, completing the schoonover study! it was very fun to work on + the only real struggle point was reading the 3d shape of the canoe through the values

here is a small piece i worked on for a friend. as for the daily studies, im currently doing color comp thumbnails. they are very fun, but i think ill post them in a big ol' clump on the 5th or 6th day of doing them :smile: see you then!

@cedricgo thanks! if you are interested, the first two are edwin church, and the two oceanic ones are ivan aivazovsky

these are the acrylic master study thumbs for days 12-14. they were very fun, but quite hard, especially d14
you know what they say though! finished, not perfect ;v;

thanks cedric:)
here's day 15, moving on to long term studies, this is the first hour.
i spent almost the entire time working on the colors, there is a lot of warmth that is part of every single color, even the 'greens' are closer to an olive made of yellow and black, the sky also moves towards a pink hue than just fading into a blue white at the horizon and etc and etc and etc! lots to learn:)

deciding to leave this at 3.5 hours :smile: its been a tough but very rewarding study! ill probably touch it up after crit from here and artschool discord and move on to another 3.5 -er tomorrow

so exciting to be on day 17/21 for noah bradley's habit builder challenge, i think im going to continue minimal 1hr studies every morning, ill probably be doing figures next!

here is a gift i finished for a friend. i had a lot of trouble with creating an unfinished, but good look, especially with the hands. the original pose of the upper body was nothing like this, and the struggle to find what i was looking for came through in that stiffness

as far as personal crit goes, if i dedicate myself more to a loose-looking pose and design, i should put it through much the wringer much more before i develop a final. ie. this had maybe 2 phases of design in it, where 5-6 are needed for a better piece

(the dark grey is dead space to get the image to fit better on screen)

as for the 21DC, im doing my final color masterstudy in acryllic, and i'll probably be getting general critique from the mirror and my bf :laughing: will upload like wednesday