Today's practice was the gesture drawing homework - 30 seconds ONLY! :frowning:
Really challenging stuff, some turned out better than others but honestly I expected wayyy worse for my first EVER session of gesture drawing - very happy :blush:

Here are my 3 favourite lineart copies from the end of Week 3!
Got a little carried away and I'm only managing to uploading these halfway through Week 4 but I'll get back on schedule soon enough.
Learnt a lot about line weight variation and line confidence - can't wait to bring that into Week 4 :laughing:

More daily gestures - getting more confident with different contours of the body like around the hips and insides of the calves.
Proportions need some work but that's what the anatomy lessons are for! Just tryna to keep things quick & loose as far as the gestures go :art:

Looking good so far mate! A few pointers on the gestures, I think you are focusing too much on construction while doing these, while construction is super useful, when you are doing gestures you should focus on just the motions for the most part.

There is no one way to do this, and Marc recommends starting with a line of action, if the line is straight, you will have a rather static pose, the more you curve the more force or action on the pose, the more it is at an angle, the more dynamic or out of balance (think falling down, or with the use of the legs, running or jumping etc) After your line of action, try making the rest of the body by being mindful of using specific lines or marks, many refer to em as CSI (C curves, S curves and straights), simplify the contours to those three lines and just try to feel the flow of the pose, after you get a good gesture, construction can go on top and you will get a more dynamic figure in the end, but if you start with construction and no gestures you may tend towards more static seeming figures. Nothing wrong with either, just something I note on this exercise to get the most benefit outta it


Hey snakker!
Thanks so much for the guidance :grinning:
I am 100% guilty of fretting over composition and proportions during my gestures work. I think you're absolutely right that it takes an element of dynamism out of the poses.
I'll give that method a shot and try to limit the amount of lines in my gestures to only those that are necessary. CSI sounds like a great system, I'll work that into my warm-up routine :pencil2:
There's always been something slightly "off" about my gestures that I could never pinpoint, hoping this helps to clear it up - thanks again!

Finally finished off Week 4 content with proportions and perspective work!
Deeefinitely need to work on the proportions - had a lot of trouble with limb extremities, like forearms and lower legs. Will be keeping up the daily grid proportions exercise into Week 5 for sure :muscle:

Had a lot of fun with perspective practice though. Can't wait to put it to use and start building some environments :open_mouth:

9 days later

University projects hit like a truck this week so I got a bit delayed working through Week 5 content, but I'm just about finished!
Very happy with my gesture work, focusing on using fewer lines and keeping them readable (C-S-I lines), as well as using a more dynamic line of action to push the pose and avoid static-ness (if that's even a word :sweat_smile:)

Finalising Week 5 content in the next few days with some more line art studies/copies, looking forward to it :blush:

Here was the last of Week 5's content!
These are always super fun, gives me a chance to indulge in some of my favourite characters and styles - excited for the environment lineart studies in Week 6 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: