haha, i see what you mean, very dynamic pose there, definitely a bit of a mind bender. looks like a tripod stance, her left foot towards us, right foot back and palm... hard to tell if its mid point or slightly behind her center of gravity with this picture. I'd wager slightly going away from us, but really one thing I've noticed is that as long as it looks right to your eyes it's all good, no need for it to be perfect, just convincing.
I think that's the key word with most art, convincing, it's always a lie. Just like pixels rendered by a gpu are a lie, an illusion, 2D representations of 3D are a type of illusion, and since we aint drawing nasa schematics, noone's gonna suffer XD
..and I attempted the study and helped myself with a bit of perspective and rotating the original image a bit, looks like it matches your cylinders spot on and is heading away from us XD