I think I am done. I was so drawn into this that I forgot to save images during process
The atmoshpere came out much more 'lovely' than I intended but I like it. I had to tone down some pink stuff because it was way too much. I am still not sure about some parts but I may be overthinking it and maybe I will catch it once I post it here
I changed Sephiroth's cloak. I like it folding this way better. Used Witch Hat Atelier as reference; haven't read it yet but its art is soo pretty.
I had to redo Sephiroth face like a thousand times. His likeness is so hard to get. And his face is so small that you probably don't even see the details there. Made Angeal (the left guy) muscles more rough. And tried fixing arm size
I really like how clouds came out on the first try and I didn't want to change them much. I added a bit of movement to make it more dynamic.
I struggled a lot with ground. It always looked wrong. I tried detailing it by drawing all metal plates but it wasn't it. I made some action lines and brushstrokes go towards Sephiroth and I think that's it.
His shadows bothers me slightly and is probably wrong. I thought what @daceronine said about wing in clouds and I added wing to shadow and some feathers that are pretty much not visible next to it. It was catching too much attention
I got stuck didn't know what to do so I slapped purple overlay on top and it just set the whole piece. Later played with the fancy effects that I am quite satisfied with. Shine, floating particles and the speed line things from swords
At the very end I did a bad thing. I left it very happy and content and looked back at it after an hour. I started comparing it to professional artist works and found all the flaws and things I could do better... I could have better designed light and shadow, better distrubuted colors etc.
Enough of my babbling. I like this piece a lot, ye I could do a lot of things better but I also did a lot of things good. I will leave it for a while and try not to think about this painting too much
Have a great day!