14 days later

Welp, i'm sure took my sweet time to do these, truth is that i was starting to feel THE burn, mentally and physically (it was like 40°C here where i live and i could feel my brain melting) but here i am once again with week 3 of term 4.

20 Hands From Reference

When i was doing those that i started to feel burnout, so i just slowed down. Some of those are just nay good but it is what it is.




Daily"ish" Color Observations and Notes

Did just one and for now on gonna do observations instead of taking notes, those feel way too boring to do and I really don't wanna to those anymore, so i just won't lol


Muscles From imagination on top of Skellies + Heads from imagination

I had a lot of fun doing those, there are some that i really liked so gonna separate them in a different image.






Favorite Ones Isolated

To feel frustrated and burnt is just no fun. Here's for a smoother week 4.
Thanks for passing by and as good artist would say: Stay cheese fresh bags (or something like that lol)

Yo all these hands look sick! Funny how I used to hate drawing hands because they just felt too hard, now it's actually fun to tackle them. These all look very detailed and smoothly shaded.

For the color theory observation... yea, I actually where I need to do 3 more of it... and I kinda groan a bit about it. Like, identifying the palette is fine, and I think that's what I'll do, but elaborating notes ain't that much fun. Still, I'll be a good boy and complete them as well. I see you noted that the key color usually has the highest contrast, and while I think that's true, I think high saturation is also used for accents.

Also love the muscles over bones exercies. Agreed that iwas more fun than the previous ones. Muscles in general are very interesting. Not much I can say there, they all look fine to my eyes, some have muscles a lot more exagerated, but I think it's clearly due to the syle, like most from the back seem to have shorter Lats and longer obliques and erectors, but the form and placement seems correct and I really think it's just due to style.

Btw I love that style.

Hope you feel better and burn down. I totally get what that feels like and yea, it's no fun.

Damn man, great job on all that work!

The hands look really good to my eyes and the figure studies are really cool. You already have a good grasp on getting clean linework, nice subtle shading like in the hands, you have a personal touch that goes well in your creation of original heads that are pleasing to look at and you seem to have a very good grasp on the muscle placement 💪🏼💪🏼

I feel you on burnout, just take it easy and cover the bases


Amazing Work man, I'm amazed whit he line work you got and don't make me start talking about the figure and hand studies.
I can't wait to be at the term you are, looks interesting. Keep it up. :muscle:

Nice work on the hands. I like the details on the palms, fingers, and the shading.
The yellow is in the highlights? I think most of the illustrations are orange or yellow-orange.
The muscles and heads from imagination look pretty tough to do. Nice work. The fourth one's shoulders look a little low to me. It might just be the angle.

You guys are just to dahm kind, thank you! I'm trying to take it easy these days, if takes more than a week to do those assignments so be it, not stressing over it.

Man now you making me want to do them color assignments, i don't wanna be bad haha
Thanks for the feedback btw, i do agree on the accents

I see what you mean @gregorya, but i double check it and what appears to be yellow is just a mixture of highly saturated and bright oranges and desaturated red, them color shenanigans

Amazing work! The character expressions are fun and the hands look good. I really like the nails. Nicely done :smiley:
And yeah the color observation gets old pretty quickly. ( ̄  ̄|||)

I see. So it's a mix of bright orange and desaturated. red

Awesome studies! Those hands are great!

Amazing work as always!
Those hands are beautiful :ok_hand:

Flawless anatomy.


Wow you have some amazing anatomy skills

15 days later