Gesture Drawing Practice
30-Second Poses and 1-Minute Poses
Day 1 and Day 30

As I am working on figure drawing and portraits as part of other courses I am studying on alongside this one, I wanted to start gesture drawing daily.

Below is my progress from day 1 to day 30.

There is some improvement between the two, especially when it comes to understanding the information I need to capture within the time limits and capturing the movement of the poses.

Though I need to develop a better understanding of the gesture line, as mine are misplaced, even on today's page of gesture drawings.

Traditional Portrait Drawing Practice

Below, is my recent portrait study. On my next portrait, I want to keep in mind to build up the values slowly, as well as take more time measuring.

Term 1.1 Image Adjustments

I finished assignment 2 of photoshop for production; I understood the principle but the execution was quite tricky. That said, I can confidently use the functions covered in this assignment now. I'll revisit these and use them as colour and value matching practice every so often.

Term 1.1 Assignment 3: Creat your Dream House

Below is my finished project for term 1.1 assignment 3, create your dream house, as well as the images I used.

This assignment was really fun, I haven't really dabbled with photo editing before, so, I took quite a lot away from it.

My idea of a dream house is, honestly, pretty humble, just a welcoming and cosy cottage, hidden, amidst beautiful woodland surrounded by nature. I was going to add a paddock for a couple of emu, but I was getting carried away so I opted against it haha.

Thanks Julia, it was a case of repetition; admittedly, I spent very long time on these exercises, it took a lot of attempts before I started to get to grips with it.

Take your time with them, and repeat the exercises a few times; you'll get there, keep at it :smile:

Term 1.1 Photoshop for Digital Production assignment 4

This is my finished project for Term 1.1 Photoshop for Digital Production assignment 4.

Again, this was good fun, I am starting to get to grips with editing now and it really got me thinking about the design of the image; with that said, I was too heavy handed with my application of light and dark and my composition of apples could have been better, as some are defying gravity haha.

Still, these are all things for me to keep in my for the next assignment.

I think you did really good Paul. Nothing sticks out to be extra superficial.
This is a great exercise and will help you a lot when you start drawing complex pieces.

Thanks WeirdOwl; surface level, these exercises seem simple, but, there is quite a bit of depth to them. When working on assignments 3 and 4, it gets you thinking not just about practicing the tools but also about design, composition, lighting, colour and, in the case of assignment 3, perspective.

It gets you to consider, how you can apply these elements and have them work well together. This is the main aspect of term-1 I am thoroughly enjoying so far.

Term 1.1 Photoshop for Digital Production Assignment 5

This is my finished project for term 1.1 Photoshop for Digital Production assignment 5. As well as the source image (Ian McKellen) and the target image (Michael Fassbender).

Term 1.1: Photoshop for Digital Production Assignment 6: Liquify

This is my finished assignment for Term 1.1: Photoshop for Digital Production assignment 6: Liquify, and both the origin and target image. Honestly, my image choice could have been better; still, I enjoyed the challenge. The end result is odd... to say the least, and there is a fair bit of warping; I used all of the tools taught in the lesson, though, my focus was on liquify.

I feel comfortable with the tools now, so I am going to move on to term 1.2: Visual Communication, and then, move on to figures.

Oh wow, this is the most thorough homework assignment I've seen done for this lesson. Very impressive.

Thanks, there really was a lot to think about with this assigment; I wanted it to be a culmination of the things I had learned from mistakes I made in the previous assignments and calculated design choices, while also using the various tools covered in the lesson.

Day 51 of Daily Figure and Gesture Drawing: Figure Drawing using a Combination of Spherical, Box and Cylindrical Forms

I have been supplementing art school with other courses, yesterday's poses 1-3 are my first attempt and poses 4-6 are from this morning after watching Glenn's (the tutor's) approach. I used different poses and opted to give myself 20-mins for each pose to really give myself time to study the poses.

My own personal observations are, on the first 3 poses, I focused heavily on drawing the full boxes and cylinders; after watching Glenn's approach, I realised that I should be suggesting the spheres, cylinders and and boxes as well as drawing much lighter. On the first 3 poses, I also tried to add black lines on top on the coloured lines; this used up time that could have been better spent else where.

On the second set of poses, I am drawing much looser and my figures are less stiff. With that said, my knowledge of anatomy is lacking and I still struggle with perspective; I also need to work on scaling my drawings. I am going to continue working on these exercises before moving on.

Critique is more than welcome and would be very much appreciated.

I really like your gesture drawings they have tons of character with good flow/motion to them. I think the 3 minute ones get a little scratchy in the line work but still pretty good overall. Don't be afraid to move on to longer figure studies to help you better grasp some anatomy. Gesture and figure drawing will always be something you should practice often. Well, pretty much forever lol. Good stuff though looking forward to more.