Hi, hello..!!!

I'm peanut

I focus mainly on creating male characters. THOSE BUFF MALE CHARACTERS..!!! those big juicy meaty ro-- okay I think I made my point here.. teehee.. 😁😋

But in all seriousness, I really want to improve my art and I'm also here to BE INSPIRED by YOUR WORK and YOUR JOURNEY... And also to share maybe a bit of knowledge ----- if there's any 🤣----- thru critiques, and learn as well.
You know give and take, or something like that.

I'm in your care people of artschool..!! 😁
Also, let's be friends 'kay!! 😊

uhh yeah. sorry I forgot. these are my past works, I just started last September 2021 in digital art, soo, yeah.. you can laugh at them HAHAHAHHAHAHA

Edit: I'm going to update this post for my monthly project. There, I said it. I'm not taking it back now!!!! 😂😫

Edit 2: Im taking it back.. LOL. But I'll still upload, not just posting it here in this thread





MARCH 2022


Looks like you've got the advantage of having experience in male anatomy :wink:
I'm looking forward to see your future work! Also, do you have a certain art career path that you want to pursue? Just curious

Sounds very good! I just enroled a few days ago, still gotta wait for my new wacom pen to arrive though haha, you have improved a lot in a short amount of time and you've made some very good artwork, so very well done there! make sure to pursue studying anatomy and shape language studies and itll look even better c:

Thank you very much @aviatorfox20 !!!😁Shape language and anatomy, noted!!!
I'm also looking forward to your art and don't hesitate if you need some help, i'll be glad to assist.

Hopefully your wacom arrive soon.. 😁

TERM 1 assignment

Just posting it here but you can critique it, or roast it. 🤣

hello there ... and welcome too ... as I see it u got quite some experiece ... nice confident lines ... and nice lineart on the december one ... make sure to study the anatomy and u make a fine artist some day ... keep up the good work :smile: :wink: