Phalaenopsis Mar '17 1 select +replies select Hello! I'm going to try to be more active here. ^^' Here is some more art i have been doing. Photostudy Photostudy Original work purple_bloom_noracossa.png1000x1422 1.13 MB Environment sketch wreck_nora.png1000x700 776 KB
Phalaenopsis Mar '17 select +replies select Here is a new illustration I did the other day. look_noracossa.png1000x600 672 KB
Phalaenopsis Mar '17 select +replies select Right now I am doing a material study. I don't know how many I will end up with but right now i'm working with these three. material_study.png1000x1081 882 KB
Phalaenopsis Apr '17 select +replies select New concept sketches of some kind of hunter. If you have any ideas to improve them feel free to share them. concept_hunter.png2000x1200 588 KB
Phalaenopsis Apr '17 select +replies select Todays progress on my hunter concept hunter_concept_color.png2000x1900 1.12 MB
Phalaenopsis Apr '17 select +replies select Some more art, the first one is a 2h photostudy Progress on my concept art hunter_concept_color2.png1000x950 421 KB
Phalaenopsis Apr '17 select +replies select Took a break from drawing and got inspired to do some sculpting in Zbrush. Here is my WIP photo mainly focusing on the hair. zbrush_sculpt_hairlook.png1225x699 332 KB
Phalaenopsis May '17 select +replies select Here is two forest sketches I did. Spent arount 2-3 hours with them. First one forest_photostudy_sketch.png1000x916 704 KB Second forest_photostudy_2.png1000x916 819 KB
Phalaenopsis May '17 select +replies select So today I did a render for this Zbrush model that I sculpted. readhead_rendered.png1151x726 458 KB
Phalaenopsis Jun '17 select +replies select A commission sketch I recently finished commission-javi_done.png1000x1362 766 KB
Phalaenopsis Jun '17 select +replies select I finished my hunter concept art. Got some great feedback from SamPetersonArt so I will probably do some changes before I put it in my portfolio. hunter_concept_color_done_alone2nora.png1000x1797 570 KB
Phalaenopsis Jun '17 select +replies select Did a forest drawing, i'm not very good with trees so I played around a lot with the style and had a very hard time with this one. Next time I will hopefully find a better style for the trees.
Phalaenopsis Jun '17 select +replies select Here is one of my latest pieces. Also did a time lapse for this one on my youtube channel: Link Lavendel_girl_effect2.png1000x1461 1.22 MB