Hello everyone, I'm Phantom's Pen. Nice to meet you. I'm a beginner digital artist, or at least that's what I attempt to be. I always loved fantasy art and digital art as a medium, but when I was in high school (about 20 years ago) it wasn't a viable job, at least in the country where I live. So I decided to give it a go now.
By the way, I'm an extreme introvert, so if I sound cold or distant is completely unintentional. I just lack the social skills :sweat_smile:. In any case I look forward to get along with all of you.

At the moment I'm doing the image adjustment assignment and I notice that CSP can't open 16 bits PSD files. If I remember correctly, Marc said that in some cases is better to use 16 bits color over 8 bits. Do any of you know something about it? I rather kept using CSP over photoshop...
See ya soon.

Your image combination is super creative! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff.

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.
See ya soon.

Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing more of your work!

Nice to meet you! I wish I could help but idk anything about CSP, but if you ask around someone will help for sure.

Thank you for the welcome Lockenheim. That's goin to take a while, afterall as a complete beginner I'm gonna take my sweet, sweet time listening to the classes, learning the fundamentals, doing the assignments and practice on my own before I post my original work.

Nice to meet you too! uh? oh! no, I don't need help with CSP, I have a good grasp of the software. Let me clarify, my question is about color depth.
When you create a document in photoshop in RGB you choose if the color depth of the file is 8, 16 or 32 bits. However you can't choose that in CSP, according to the online instruction manual is always in 32 bits. The tricky thing with CSP is that you can open and save PSD files as long the color depth of such files are 8 bits. So this might create compatibility issues if the work requires a higher color depth.
My question was intended to know in which cases a higher color depth is required, the search in google show me that this is used mainly in photography to make subtle editing or something like that, but then Marc barely talked about this in the photoshop class, giving an example about a pattern being compressed to be used in a videogame. So I was curious about how common and in which cases for digital art this higher color depth setting are used.

haha i really like how your house is on top of a lion :smiley: that's rly cool XD

These are all big steps up in difficulty! Good work keep up the practice!

21 days later

Hello, I'm back. Thanks for the encouragement Lockenheim.
Somehow today I finished my daily practice early so I could make the room assignment. Here are the basic perspective assignment and a vampire's minimalistic room. When I have time I'll make the last perspective's assignment.

Edit 1: And here is the last assignment of term 1. I guess I'll keep with my daily practice before I move to term 2.

1 month later