The first thing I'd ask is what is it that you're aiming for? Do you have a goal you want to achieve? Something like being an illustrator or a character designer? Or do you do you just want to share your work for now and figure out your objective later?
It might be because you only have a few pieces so far, but I am asking this because my first thought looking at your portfolio page is that while it's certainly character focused, it feels like it lacks a bit of cohesion visually. You have some painted stuff, one that's more like a matte painting, character thumnails and then a few characters (some in colors and some who are not)
Now, I'm not any better as my work is a bit all over the place so maybe I have no room to talk But if you have a specific goal or objective in mind, it's better to tailor your portfolio to that end and drop what doesn't fit. I think it work much better if looking at the Character Design tab on your page. There's less work, but it looks more cohesive and I think it works better.
And as I said maybe when you'll get to have more pieces there it will not be so much of a problem anymore, but the work that jumps out at me the most are the ones titled Dnd Commission and General Swordsmage Lady. I think they're really nice. So if that's the sort of thing you like to do, I would definitely focus more on that. You can still also try out new things and experiment of course because it's not like the other work is bad and maybe you're still trying to figure things out, but those 2 pieces really stood out to me the most.
Anyway that's my thought on it. I hope this helps in some way