hello my name is joseph you can call me jojo ( if you like :sweat_smile: ) im from the meddle east and i have taken art as a hobby but it grew on to me and im thinking to pursue it as a career though im 22 now its been 1 year and a half since i took art seriously and i would like to read your feedback about my progress and take tip from pro artists

this one is from my early starts

and this is from now

im self taught and i would like to get better so plz dont be shy about your opinion
and thank you cuberush for making a place where i can get help

Hi! You made great progress! You will keep growing like this.
For the last drawing - her ear is a bit off, squashed and unfinished. I think the neck doesn't have that of a sharp point and the neck could be shorter anyway.
Keep it up, you improved immensely on the values :smile:

The first art is a little messy, I think there was no sketch before the inks? I dont know Im just guessing by looking at the line, try to have a pencil sketch, something that you thereafter will ink and then errase that sketch that was below, this way you will have a better structure and you cold have a more clean result.
The line is something you need to work on, that will separate you from the amateurs, if the line is clean, and it has some weight to it, like bolder lines on the outside of the drawing but thinner lines on the inside detail, also that a curve or a straight line renders as a single line, not a composition of many lines that create that curve, is really hard to explain just with text.

On the second art, apart from what enalya mention, what will take you to the next step is shading, try to be as smooth as possible with shading, try to get some tutorials in youtube about pencil shading and that will take you to another level, use the same technique of creating a sketch, do it with some 2H pencils, that are super light and dont draw any hard, try to be as transparent as possible with the sketch, then use 2B for the basic lines and as you go darker in shadows use darker pencils, like 4B and 8B for absolute dark parts.

Hi, Joseph! Great to have you here! :smile:
Nice start. The two drawings have different styles but I like the line work of the first a lot! So light and looks a bit like a draft for a shoujo manga panel.

Keep on posting ^-^

Hi Joseph! As it stands, this is almost two years of progress in two pictures, and that makes it a bit difficult for us to critique and help you get better! Both pictures are vastly different as well, not only in terms of quality, but with style and method.

There is a huge difference, mainly in the type of drawings these are. I suggest you put up more sketches to really flesh out your progress so that we can help you better!

For now, I'll try to point out a few things about your newer sketch.
First off, the anatomy is a bit iffy. The neck is long, and the head seems distorted. Her ears are very vague, same goes for eyes (very little details), almost as if this is a small drawing. The lines are thick and rough (which I love), however, you should try to work on them to get a better line art quality. You manage to capture the gentleness in very rough lines, which I am very happy about. All in all, this is a small sample of everything you've done throughout the years, but working on your line art will be key. Try to step out of your comfort zone and draw the details (such as ears) instead of letting them stay vague, focus on expressing FORM when drawing--this can be done by sketching vague lines before actually putting them down with a rough pencil. You have gotten really good lately, hopefully this was helpful! Sorry if I sounded too harsh :smile:

Definitely a huge improvement so far, but as others said the anatomy is iffy. I would suggest doing studies and life drawings to help you learn.

thank you all im so happy to read all the replays and its awesome to see all different opinions , i will work and improve with the help of your tips

Hi Jojo, looks like you're doing well so far. I also agree with some of the previous posters. As you get some new drawings done, toss them up and we'll be able to cater our critique to help you better.

If you've got some spare money to spend, I really want to recommend Stan Prokopenko's tutorials to you. He has some here on the site, some on his site, and free versions of tutorials on Youtube as well.

They were an immense help to me when I was starting out, and I hope they can help you get a jumpstart on how to proceed and navigate through getting better at art. Self teaching can be like a maze of mirrors if you don't know what goals to shoot for.

They'll help you with learning how to simplify complex forms, use gesture, and think in a 3D perspective.

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18 days later

here is a new sketches well the best i did after i practiced on what you guys help me notice and after a long thinking im going to start a blog of my own in this forum later on to make my progress more ogranized

Awesome, looking forward to that blog :smile: Glad to see that we helped you progress!

Nice faces! Was it on purpose that the females look quite the same?
Also, try to make a picture up front, not tilted :>

9 days later

i dont get how the females look the same but its not intentional all the faces was drawn while i was looking at pictures , and sorry about the pics but ill try scan them

That'd be great!
I think the females look mostly the same because of the facial elements placement - their eyes are pretty far apart, their mouth opened in the same way, a bit wide and flat noses.
(They look beautiful, don't get me wrong!) :smile:

hmm....that is good point ill work on my proportion and no problem that is why i ask for feedback your point is taken in mind :+1: