Did some rendering practise. Rendered a blob in a photo to try and make it look like it's on the scene considering the colors of the ambient light.

Light Rendering practise (zbrush model not by me)

Nice stuff in here! Good to see you exploring 2d/3d mix! (trying to do some more myself)

8 days later

Cool portfolio, you've got some good stuff! If you wanted some critique on your work, I'd suggest experimenting more with hard brushes instead of soft brushes when doing a study or illustration and to also make your smaller details in your artworks more distinct so they don't look like blobs or smudges. Keep it up, sending you good art making vibes!! :sparkles:

@Stefanie_Drawinger Thank you so much for your feedback! Been feeling my artworks are feeling too "soft" so your feedback was really helpful! I'll start experimenting more hard brushes :smile:

Good job on the vehicle studies! And yeah, seconding Stefanie here: finding a balance between soft and hard brushes will make certain areas of your painting pop out more ( depending where you want the viewer to pay attention to), instead of relying on one brush mode all the time. Experiment with it! [:

As for portrait studies/ whatever (organic) study you are doing, what helps is looking at the negative space around the object you are drawing and try to mimic that shape in your painting for better accuracy. Try not to rely on what you already now but take knowledge in. By doing that there's a smaller chance of drawing 'icons', for example, literally drawing an almond shape and a circle to indicate an eye. Hope that my rambling helped a bit ^^''

@soluxos Thank you for your helpful advise! You made me more aware on my studies where I should train to see shapes more! I'm experimenting more on hard brushes as well :smile: