Week 3
Study (copy) Characters from professional artists (lineart only)

Artist I copied was Mark Bagley.

Week 3
Daily Skeleton and Gesture Practice
Skeleton with cylinders and 30 sec Gestures

1 min gestures

Study (copy) Characters from professional artists (lineart only)

Week 3
Study (copy) Characters from professional artists (lineart only

Week 3
Study (copy) Characters from professional artists (lineart only)

Week 4
2 point perspective practice

Still watching some of this weeks vids and reviewing the male/female proportion exercise, will start posting as soon as I finish.

Week 4
1 Point Perspective

Street Perspective

Male / Female proportions

Week 4
Just some daily practice

Fastest washing machine in the east, not sure is cleaner or dirtier.
Nice practice

1 Point Perspective Room

Really good work on the line weight here!

Week 5
Perspective and Gesture practice
decided to do the cubes free hand without relying so heavily on shift click lines.

Week 5
Study (copy) Characters from professional artists (lineart only)

Artist I copied is Kinu Nishimura

Week 5

Nude Figure Drawing assignment 4

Study (copy) 5 characters drawings from professional artists/shows/games you like
(lineart only)

Daily Nude Figure Drawing assignment 7

These are really precise! Her arms are a little larger than the reference but overall detail placement is very close, same with your copies 0_0

Keep it up and maybe take a couple more looks at the block in phase before the details
