Day 6
Okay everyone it is time for me to move on to the next chapter of the Art School but before I live this Term, here is my Term 1 Review for all of you guys. Enjoy :).
Let's start with the simple things such as Gesture Drawing and Perspective Exercises

In the 5 minute Gesture I konw that I don't have a lot to show because in that week I was starting to feel a bit tired due to the flu but in the future I promise that i'll make up to this and spend more time doing gesture drawing and improve more on it.
I passed a very good time doing the Perspective Assignments and I don't regret doing them despide the time required to complete them, I enjoyed every second of it, and I know that in Term 2 there is a 3 point perspective view assignment and i'm thrilled about it, so let's continue with this tempo towards Term 2.
And now, it's time for my favorite exercises of this term, Character and Environment Studies.

And this is all I managed to make in this Term, also there are all of the Pen Control exercises but i decided not to put them in the review, but I might be wrong, so what do you guys think. Should I add the Pen Control Exerecises or not ?
Either way it has been a bomb starting this journey.
Cya in Term 2