Hey man this is a good start so far. Do you plan on finishing it? Hopefully you do because this has good potential. Love the pose and the design works for me.

yeah I do! Just did some anatomy fixes, then gonna finish the cloth, hair metal and wings, then maybe add some details like fire rain or army of angels since this is looking so freaking metal hehe

Nice! Looking forward to see the finished product

11 days later

Anatomy wise this is a lot better. I would look ar the pelvis area again though. The rendering of shapes and skin is what needs some work in my opinion. With her being in the sky, we know of 2 light sources will hit her body
1. Sun Light (yellow ish light)
2. Sky light ( light blue)
Now with the clouds and her clothes being on, she'll also receive multiple bounce lights on her skin
As far as the wings go, I recommend studying some bird anatomy.
I love the gesture of the figure and this still looks good to me. Hope you can finish this.

hey thats some good feedback! thanks

but yeah, lighting will be complicated, at first I was planning placing the sun on her back, but since its unusual, I was doing it completelly wrong and tried to simplify puting just one and from up, but I liked the result and feel motivated. Yeah, motivation is an scarce resource that I need to manage heh...

Now those wings are looking properly swooshy!
Are you really getting rid of the armor and mantle? I thought they looked dope, but oh well :smile:

glad you like! nah, I will do them later, also, a sword, noticed I had one in the first sketch but never really did one heh

Hey its nice to see you here man!! Also your painting is looking pretty good, I'm excited to see it finished! ^___^

@zanben heya ^-^ I'm excited too hah its good when the work flows the way you like XD

talking about liking it, I'm satisified with this level of detail of the wings, maybe a wee bit more polish in a few areas but I will do it later.

26 days later

Workings slowly, as always -_-
enjoying the results anyways

Not finithed though, will refine hands, put some armor pieces and the clouds will be back, and maybe change the sword's guard to something more curly like the rest

Interesting, the wings and the sword definitely give out the valkyrie look!

16 days later

I say its done!
I liked it a lot but I guess I am not great at overpainting... some cheesy stuff going on...

Nice man! really nice style!
I would suggest that the shadows in the red cloth are a little dark especially since the skin tones don't ever approach that darkness in contrast (as you can see around the chest). Would suggest brightening things up in those dark areas

Other than that it looks solid!