Hey everyone!
I just started my art journey about a week ago (JUN 2021)
I am a complete rookie so don't expect anything amazing right away.
I am planning on going through marc's course and working on the assignments each day sticking to 1 assignment for each week along with similar exercises I find elsewhere or make for myself.
Ultimately my goal is to be able to make some cool original stylized character art.
Wish me luck!

Day 1,
I feel like this is a decent start? I drew the skeletons over the reference like told in the assignment, I just moved it over to the side to see it better. What do you guys think?
I think the proportion assignment is decent as well, I just feel very cramped in this box. My arms are weird as a result.

Welcome on the forums Roka!
Great to hear that you have a clear goal in mind! Looking forward to seeing your progress! :smile:

Day 2,
When using the cylinders I have a hard time deciding when to make it straight or whether to add a slight angle to it. When i put in these cylinders should I be matching the width of the limbs, or should i act as if the cylinders are the bones and make them smaller? does it matter?

Awesome! Continuing to train your brain will help you recognize the angles more easily in the future!. I know I'm new to the journey myself, but i'd recommend only using photo reference when doing this exercise to make sure you're getting the skeleton structure down right. If the artist that is doing the art makes a mistake then you're just copying their mistake. Keep up the great work! Can't wait to see where this program takes you!

Thanks afoster1138, I'll keep that in mind and stick to photos for this.

Not gonna lie, I'm already getting a bit frustrated. I did the proportion exercise without any reference this time, and everything fit correctly, but I can't be satisfied with it because the shapes are so bad. The lesson explains how to fit everything so the proportions are correct but doesn't say anything about how to shape the body. I can only assume that will show up in the anatomy course.

I don't like my skeleton cylinders either, they are all weird sizes and I don't know how to position the ribcage and pelvis when the subject isn't facing straight on. I am going through the lesson again but it seems like we only went over the limbs being in dynamic positions, not the torso.

Am I get frustrated for no reason? or do any of you guys have any ideas on how I can fix this?

We seem to be in a really similar point in the lessons at the moment. I too was kind of wondering why the dynamic torso / pelvis wasn't addressed. I'm assuming it comes later as well. In that case just block out the area where it would be like you are and focus on the limbs.

As far as proportions go, just keep at it. That one looks pretty solid. If you're worried about getting the shapes right, you could do it twice a day. The first time you do it, keep the video still up as a reference to check against your shapes, and the second time do it with no reference up until you get to a place you're happy with.

Or do it once and just keep the reference up and try to ignore it, only checking when you aren't happy with the shapes until you can do it without looking?

Keep up the great work!