Hello there guys!
it has been a long 5 years but I think it's slowly becoming into something, or at the very least i'm starting to feel like i'm getting somewhere, specially after doing work with Airborn Studios. Those guys are amazing.

anyways! that's not what i'm here to talk about.

I've recently done a personal project, where i was firmly aiming to get that Disney feel not just in the 3D style but as well in the rendering.

everything was rendered inside Marmoset Toolbag 3 with no additional touch ups.

here's the "beauty" Renders

I feel like I could have improved certain things, specially that thumb it always bugged me, and looking back at it. just makes it worst.

here's the wireframe ( no textures, everything were simple materials that i just tweaked the values inside marmoset for the desired effect )
The character was first Sculpted in Zbrush to mainly get an idea of the shapes and forms.
Everything Besides the hair was then built Inside 3ds max. what an adventure let me tell you.

you can take a look at how I've setup the light. I know it's not optmimized in any way shape or form. but since i've managed to get the desired effect I just went with it.

Glad to see you on the new forums. Nothing to add as i'm not a 3d artist. I think this came out really well. Overall solid work. :smile_cat:

@Malcom Thank you for the kind reception! So that's why i couldn't find my old post laying around , the whole place sure looks cosy !

Woot woot on the top row! I think Disney uses more ambient lighting? Don't quote me on that though haha, either way she looks good!

I just noticed i ended up in Top row, I'm speechless, I can't even properly react to such an honor. Thanks to all of those who made it possible !

@Aveon You know what, I think you're right about the light, maybe I'll eventually go back to her to try to push it a bit further ! thanks for the kind comment Aveon!