8 days later

Ty for the warm welcomes everyone! <3 I will do my best to be popping up on your threads lol so I hope to see you around. :3

Here's a couple of my gesture drawing sessions, I found that I do better if I work up to the longer sessions instead of just jumping into doing 5 min sessions. they are numbered and labeled on the side just to make things easier for me xD

-at first, I was just doing my best just to get the gestures down.
-On the 10th day, my gestures just didn't feel right to me. I tried maybe putting a little structure in and it slowed me down and just felt off still, I realized after talking at my partner about it. That now only was I not actually observing the models and seeing where things would land in comparison to the other body parts BUT I was also using models with clothes on, so it made things so much more difficult for me. I replaced all my clothed models and had to start anew with nude ones.
-on Day 18, things clicked from the previous days. after actually studying the models and being able to actually see their bodies fully, I felt things went really well and I even "finished" some of the 5 min drawings and I'm proud of them.
-lastly on day 23(the most recent day when I put this together), I went back to 2 mins after I had gotten ill and had to take a little art break. I was actually surprised with this day because I was actually feeling really good about the proportions, I also found myself caring less about perfections of my lines and went for a "messier" line as I was just quickly going with my own hands motion while still capturing the motion of the model. This was also the day that I decided to focus on drawing the top part of the body more because I realized in my past sessions, I would prioritize the bottom half first because it came quicker to me.

lol if you guys have any tips of tricks to gestures pls lemmie know! I've learnt a lot off my own mess up's but I am still learning :smile:

Yo good work! You can see improvement as the exercices go along. Not just from the detail, but the energy of the pose is better captures in the last ones.

You'r doing good, nothing to do but to keep moving through the exercices for now.

In time, you might get a little tired of gestures and might want to shake things up, but so far it seems you're doing just fine.

Thank youuu!!! :smile:
I tend to get into my own head/way when it comes to learning new things and overthink things so it's nice to hear another opinion :3

lol ye, I'm trying to convert these practice gestures into using it for my OC's so that'll probably give some spice to it.

27 days later

Hey gang! I'm checkin in lol I noticed that I tend to drop off the end of the earth and then pop back up after a while xD
Here's two of my character studies I did, the lady was the very first one I did. I forgot to read the assignment where it said linework only, so I guess I learnt extra by learning how to put noise over my art.
With the Chopper one I also forgot about linework only, so you do see a bit of that in his feet and hand lol but all my notes are my initial observations or things I noticed while replicating.

Nice work! Now that I think about it, I haven't actually done Manga studies such as these. I really should as well, these look pretty good.

thanks! When I thought about characters I liked and doing studies on them, I thought it would be best to look at them without any colors distracting me at first since it was my first time doing a character/artist study.
plus, it's art directly from the artist themself.

I recently found some old kingdom hearts 1 concept art after playing through it again, so I think that'll be my new target. xD

28 days later

lol Here's my cylinders studies I forgot to post

Hia guys! finally updating, I finished term 1!

I really struggled with free handing boxes and drawing boxes in perspective. lol they were really rough in the beginning. One of my problems when drawing in one point, I kept trying to draw boxes that would only work in 2 point xD once I figured out my problem It clicked pretty quickly.
as with drawing boxes free handed, I turned to "drawabox" to help, doing some of those first exercises really helped.
another struggle was when drawing boxes stacked, as soon as I got to the top ones, I suddenly didnt know how measure them and kept making them very tall. I just had to keep trying with that problem, I got it finally tho xD

^I was practicing the table with the chunk carved out for my room assignment >:3
Here's my 2-point building, I didn't want to spend insane time on it, so I did enough to get the gist of it. I did more practice on it in my sketch book just to make sure lol.

As for the room assignment, I had done it once before back in 2022 as you can see here^^ LOOL uh don't mind the body pillow, I forgot all about drawing it until literally right now (at the time, I was playing tons of FFXIV and there was a big meme about y'shtola body pillows. So, I made one of ya boy G'raha)

That aside having done it once before I wanted to really push myself this time, decided to take a spin on my kitchen and put a twist on it. Merged it into something that could fit into the world I'm building.

I'm really happy with it, I was very excited to actually be done with it tho xD note to self, don't set up your base perspective lines when you're tired or sick. I did that and came back after a day or two after getting better and realized none of my lines made sense and had to redo everything I had just put down days before.

I did do it in black and white at first and all the color comes from some gradient maps that I figured I'd finally try to use hahaha plus all the color editing that we learnt in the first photoshop class.

I also want to mention, I dunno if this happened to anyone else but as soon as it was an assignment to study characters or things I like, I suddenly forgot literally everything that I've ever seen or enjoyed LOL