last two days of works, decided to throw in skeletons since ill be able to work on cylinders anyways. I definitely still notice the shaky line problems (i even catch my hand drifting/shaking) and I'm not for sure the perspective is 100 percent obvious. but ill just have to take time to fix it. if anyone has any advice or issues to point out pls do. Thanks.

Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing more of your work. One thing I would recommend to help with the perspective is to draw the elipse of the cylinder all the way through the form. It will help show the form and help you understand it better in space as well. Keep it up!

The good thing about studies/practices is that you don't have to be worried about how messy it looks. I think if you want to build line confidence then just do quick strokes even if they end up overlapping or look crazy. When I try to do precise lines is when I start having shaky lines also.

haven't been practicing over the past few days due to a recent passing, and since I'm low on energy I figured id just get some cylinders in at least as i try to get back in the groove. I'll also be leaving my "station" soon as I'm leaving on a trip. However Ill just practice in my notebook while I'm gone. Also thanks for the advice so far. :smile: I'm trying to take it and put it to practice.

Nice practice! One thing that helped me with cylinders when I first started was taking a can I had by my desk and turning it in space. I still do that quite a bit to help with the perspective! Nice work!

after a long trip and being super busy i was finally able to sit down and draw. Here is some more daily practice stuff.

I like the dynamism in your poses. You are doing well. Keep it up!

todays practice

had a long day at work today so tried to do use the cylinder shape for a couple objects to make it more entertaining. I'm not exactly sure when i should move on from the cylinders and skeleton portion to the proportions part of the daily practice. Especially since its hard for me to tell progress i make on something like cylinders. if anyone more progressed or further along in their art journey can give me an idea that'd be very helpful. Just so I can set a goal and make sure not to spend too much time on this part of the lessons if its not needed. Thank you :smile:

My personal opinion is that there is no such thing as spending to much time on module 1 or 2. These are the foundational skills that will apply to everything else you do. The better that you get at these the easier everything else will be. If you are not having fun with it, definitely move on but you can always come back. I have been doing this for a bit now and for each character I make I still do a cylinder study for. You might find that enjoyable and challenging to move to the cylinder studies over a character. Basically if you arn't having fun move to something else but always, always come back to practice the basics. In my opinion a cylinder is one of the most important fundamentals you can learn, and understanding it will come back over and over and over and over again. One thing that I would recommend when doing the cylinders over a figure is to draw the contour lines over them, this will help you understand the shape a lot more and it will be challenging I imagine. Keep up the good work! I love how you are thinking about these limbs ans cylinders!

Thanks for the advice, but yeah its not that I'm not having fun it was just something i wanted to get some clarity on. I think ill take your character/cylinder studies on as well. Ill probably spend 2-3 more weeks on just these 2 modules and then add on. ( if I'm staying consistent ) Thanks again for your reply, I appreciate it. It helps me more than you might think :smile:

todays skeletons :grin:

No problem, if you ever have questions don't hesitate to ask me. I'm a beginner and had many struggles in the beginning with these things so they are very fresh in my mind!

and here is todays, anyone know another site besides deviant and Pinterest I can find some more good references? i wanna stock up on a lot. thank you

todays skeletons

Those are the places I get my references besides the reference packs on cube brush. You might try to see if there are any free packs anywhere. I know Rachel Bradley was offereing a free pack for a while, I'm not sure if its on cube brush though.

Okay thank you :smile: , I just wanted to know if there were any places people went to grab more that way I don't miss out on any potential good ones. ill look for the one you're talking about.