Hello everyone,

I’m relatively new to working digitally and this is my first ever completed 3D model, which I created using zBrush Core. I got my inspiration from the Shadow of Mordor game, the Warcraft movie, and ofcourse Lord of the Rings.

I sculpted my Orc from scratch, then used zBrush Core’s polypaint feature along with different alphas to paint and texture. I was a little bit limited by zBrush Core’s features, but once I learn how to use other rendering programs such as Substance Painter then hopefully the final outcome will be more polished. I also need to learn how to pose properly, which is not so easy in Core - but I’m learning everyday so I’ll get there in the end.

Any feedback would be much appreciated, and I hope you enjoy my Orc!

Most of the techniques I used I learned right here on Cubebrush! :grin:

My SketchFab model and more pics can be found here;

For a first complete model that's a cool start :smiley:

If you want to polish more textures, indeed substance is a good way to do it. And it's quite an easy program to pick up. But you could also try to render your models in Keyshot. Also super easy to use and you can get nice renders out of it

Have you try posing the model with the Transpose Master under Zplugin ? Makes posing a lot easier

Thanks for the feedback Max!

I'm a little bit limited as I don't have access to Keyshot other than the demo, which leaves terrible looking watermarks all over the place! Plus, as far as I'm aware zBrush Core doesn't allow for plugins so I cant use Transpose Master.

Instead my plan for my next model is to pose when its a very low resolution then work on it from there. I tried using the rotate/scale/move tool on this one towards the end, but it just made for some nasty looking geometry!

Thanks for the follow, that's always nice :smiley:

I actually never looked to the limitations of ZbrushCore. I didn't know that it was missing all the advanced settings. Which is in fact logical, not super handy but logical.

So indeed, no transpose master and no rendre passes. If you don't have keyshot either, than you can try to change some basic stuff. For exemple change the background color to something more solide by playing with the range slider and the color (under document). Or try to move the light or maybe create new ones if that's possible with ZbrushCore.