Submitting my art here as a way point of my work so far.
I've been trying to use my POTDs to work on my volumetric drawings.
Critique will be most welcome. I intend to continue doing this volume drawings till the end of August for now, may i also know what the next step would be from there on? (Sorry if its a dumb qsn :C )
May i also check if there is another forum/thread to post works for critique or is posting on this thread sufficient?
Notes on the work so far.
It did teach me to observe the proportions closely to make sure things look accurate, which taught me quite of the proportions from all directions and how to measure using the pencil measuring technique by proko here.
I do have a question though, i've noticed that many people measure proportions, that i have found online, by using the full length of the skull from top of the head bottom of the jaw which can vary quite a lot biologically (as people are).
Whereas for me personally i have used the ball, Cranial mass, instead as its more uniform and its also easier to draw a circle :<
I'm just curious to the pros and cons of both as most sources don't describe the reasons for either.
Thank you!