Hello there!
Sharing some recent work that I have done. I haven't really done too much in the forums besides being a part of the ArtWars or selling a couple of products in my store, so I wanted to get more involved in Cubebrush on other aspects lol!

I mostly share my work on Artstation or Instagram but these are some of my favorite pieces.

Xiao Fan Art

Shin (first) and Haruki (second) some original works for a project

Neji fanart

Diluc and Kaeya fan art (I need to probably re-paint this, but this was a practice piece anwyays. I was experimenting with different things at the time. But I still kind of liked it if that makes sense? XD)

I haven't had much time to do my personal work or just a lot of painting in general, but hopefully this year I am able to make more time to paint more finished pieces. Enjoy guys! :wave:

Hello! Your work is amazing! I don't have much else to say :joy:

Hello and Thanks so much! I appreciate it :blush: