Hey, this was one of the most motivating scrolls i did in a while:)) Your studies are cool, i really like what you did with the heads and then with different light sources in that room.
Is there a program you follow or you just draw whatever you feel like?
Maybe some critique-the cool boy who tore off that girls's hand; the light shines on him from the background, right? I think there should be some light on the edge of his shoulders... Like there is some on his feet.
Keep it up, looking at your studies motivates me to do some of my own:D
Thanks! Yes, I had a lot of fun playing with lightsources.
As for the murderous kid. I intended the backlight to be emitting from a lower area. So I thought no surface plain from the upper shoulder and trapezius area should be getting any rim light. Unless small fibers from his shirt on that area receives some light which could cause it. That's how I understand it at least. Correct me if I'm wrong
Hey there!
About the lightsource from the murdeous kid, you are totally correct! I just missed the fact that the light is coming from below. Once you said it, i noticed the brighter lower part of his left arm and the arm he took for his own;)
Again, seeing what you do, makes me want to do studies too! Great what you did with the landscape! And the amount of repetitions for the forehead... Makes me reevaluate what i consider as "a lot"