Longtime Brunet fan and super lurker from when Cubebrush as an organization was just in it's infancy. I go by Sol, or Villainy as my instagram says. I am a traditionally trained artist with mostly self-taught digital mannerisms. I have gone to art school with a split focus of illustration/and 3D for Games and Animation. I currently work in the restaurant industry though.

I'll be attempting to post my stuff here just as often as I post on my instagram. Lets art.

There are 53 replies with an estimated read time of 5 minutes.

Hello @Villainy101!

Nice sketches! I like the poses of the first two in particular. Just watch out for some of the proportions, like the right arm of the first one. Her forearm looks really long while her upper arm looks really short. But those are just sketches so it should be easy to correct at this stage.

Can't wait to see what you'll do with them :smile:

Yeah, I did notice the arm issue and I've pulled more reference (can never have enough reference) to explore different ways to portray what I am attempting. I'll post my explorations up sometime later today or earlier tomorrow. Thank you for stopping by and dropping a critique. I'll never turn one down.

Working on that right arm issue. I think it is a foreshortening hurdle that I am trying to leap over. Any assistance? I also did a google search for 'pulling on glove' reference but no such luck. Closer results come from buttoning cuffs but nothing quite like it.

Got some assistance from rkdvanguard (You can find him at tumblr if you like) on the event happening with the arm. The assistance came in the form of a multicolored draw over with some good talking points.

  • Shoulders and Head were not 1/3 spacing.
  • Elbows could use the 'L' check. (Triangle Check*)

So I applied what our short conversation yielded and this is my second iteration of corrections at this stage.

Here is a spread of possible hairstyles I put up. The character concept is cyber-fantasy (Cyberpunk with fantastical elements i.e; Elves). So I used some references for the hair and will be continuing to study a couple in rounds to get the right feel. This is a personal project so there is no deadline on it hence the large iterative process.

I ran a strawpoll in two discord groups and the results of those votes/critiques made hairstyle number 10 the choice of the people. But after putting the same image into a facebook group meant for critiques from other artists 3 was the popular vote with the advice to combine the spiky randomness of 2, with the volume of 3 and the asymmetry of 7. So my next studies will reflect these two design choices and from there I will make another decision. Or pose it to the masses.

29 days later

So after spending a lot of time at work I figured that I wasn't satisfied with how my Hoshiko exploration turned out. The process was good and entertaining but ultimately it wasn't where I wanted to end. So, I started again. This time I put together a mood board and listed the important aspects atm about her.

Young Adult.
Asian street fashion influenced

6 months later

Started another character design. This character is a personal one that will be used in an upcoming Dungeons and Dragon's Stream. It is a female Dwarf who has sustained a full body acid burn on her right side. For all the nerds out there, I will be playing a Gloomstalker Ranger.

7 months later

I haven't abandoned this place, but now that essentially I have no job I have basically huge swaths of time on my hands. I will be taking advantage of this and all the new people looking for outlets for their time by doing more artwork without the limiting factor of "I have work to do in the morning" or whatever I told myself that limited me in my time recreationally. I'm starting on two projects. One digital and one traditional. The digital piece will be a humanoid figure, character design. I did a random word draw and I received : Warrior, Dark, Tall, & Gun. We'll see how that plays out.

Traditionally I am working on a small canvas that I found with an unfinished portrait on it. There was a small hole so I patched it up with some gesso and masking tape. Crossing my fingers that it holds but I am not too worried otherwise. The subject I don't know just yet but I have been really motivated or moved rather by blue and white. In the styling of like fine china or porcelain. I also am still in love with Art Nouvue a la Mucha, so I will probably try to spit out something that is Mucha inspired traditionally.

Here is an unrelated project that I completed since my last posting of the Dwarf with the burned face.