@Pattu_w @queeniemp Thank you!! I'm excited to see the outcome this school has to offer!
Hi again guys! I'm currently in the photoshop for Digital Production lecture, and I tried balancing the week to study drawing. Most of them are WIP mode, but here they are
These are my imaginative figure drawings. As much as I respect chickens, chicken scratching itself is annoying : / my gut is telling me there's gonna be a line drawing assignment nearing the end of the lecture I'm on. However, any tips on slowly producing confident lines are very much appreciated! 

By the way, I found something cool during my studies! I sketched a quick environment drawing one day using an image reference, as you can see here... 

And then another day, I studied environments, this time with a different image reference: 

When I matched these two together, it looked like I drew everything from a single reference! What are the coincidences? :'D

Lastly, here are some traditional muscle anatomy to make up for digital drawing because of work. 
That's all, folks! Again, some canvas spaces are big 'cause I'm hoping to continue my practices over them. See you on Monday, and have a good rest of the week!