I did another 40 minutes of gesture drawings and I think im making some progress :relaxed:

Start of my perspective assignment :smirk:
Edit: Ik its techically 2 point but idc :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wow, the perspective looks great, and the colors add an interesting touch to the piece!

The perspective itself is very interesting as well. It's not traditional two-point perspective, there's only one vanishing point on the horizontal axis, and it actually looks like the other vanishing point is on the vertical axis! Either way, it looks good!

Speeding through my friend ... smashing lesson after lesson. Figure drawing especially looking very sharp.

Yeah, it'd still two-point perspective, it's just I don't think I've seen someone do it like that before! At least I've never noticed.

Did some late night (early morning :sweat:) 2 minute studies :flushed:

These are nice. Good flow, shows good development and understanding.

yet another 40 minute gesture drawing session (#5) :sleeping:

Finished the perspective assignment! It was kinda trippy drawing this in the same room lol

Some new figure studies from this morning :blush:

Also these from last night

Nice figure drawings. If I may, though, I think that the female torsos are a bit too squarish. I assume this might be the model, but it might be something to look at. Also, I really like your office drawing. Anyway, congrats on your stable workflow and keep up the good work!

ye about the squarish thing, I just like drawing the torso and waist of the figures with them cuz i feel like it makes it easier for me to understand the position, but i could try a different approach

THE STUDY GRIND DONT STOP! (ps. I just started term 2!)

Really lovely 2 min studies! I feel like you get a ton of information out of those! Keep it up!

The grind don't stop 2 (electric boogaloo) :imp:

10 days later

So... the grind stopped...
But I'm BACK!

Your rendering style is super cool!

Also, I see you've got potential to be great if you keep on your grind. I don't find any sense in comparison to others in terms of feeling "behind" on your grind, since we all reach "success" ( however we define it ) in our own timeline.