Sup, snakker here, life has been hitting hard these days so I haven't posted in a while, but I'm still at it, going strong.
For today I'm posting some work from the new YouTube video, I'm not doing it over a month though
just straight up binging it, these first seven I did in about 2 hours give or take.
Noticed I struggle hardcore with those circles, trying to draw from the shoulder to make em better but tough to get it right. Also, I struggle a bit with keeping my drawings "clean"
I played around with making thicker external lines things like that, trying to make single lines where possible but can't help notice my drawings feel a little, dirty or messy for lack of a better term
Another thing I wonder is how you guys setup your shortcuts, I know this will vary a lot between artists, I'm currently using the two buttons on the stylus as B and E for quick access between brush and eraser, have a small Huion keypad for shortcuts like F (screen modes), X (switch colors), optn (color picker) Hand tool, transform, cmnd + optn (keep perfect circle or proportions when transforming)
Any tips or opinions are greatly cherished
PD Oh, I took some liberties for fun during these exercises, painting in some colors, adding a face or two stuff like that