Sup, snakker here, life has been hitting hard these days so I haven't posted in a while, but I'm still at it, going strong.

For today I'm posting some work from the new YouTube video, I'm not doing it over a month though :stuck_out_tongue: just straight up binging it, these first seven I did in about 2 hours give or take.

Noticed I struggle hardcore with those circles, trying to draw from the shoulder to make em better but tough to get it right. Also, I struggle a bit with keeping my drawings "clean"

I played around with making thicker external lines things like that, trying to make single lines where possible but can't help notice my drawings feel a little, dirty or messy for lack of a better term

Another thing I wonder is how you guys setup your shortcuts, I know this will vary a lot between artists, I'm currently using the two buttons on the stylus as B and E for quick access between brush and eraser, have a small Huion keypad for shortcuts like F (screen modes), X (switch colors), optn (color picker) Hand tool, transform, cmnd + optn (keep perfect circle or proportions when transforming)

Any tips or opinions are greatly cherished


PD Oh, I took some liberties for fun during these exercises, painting in some colors, adding a face or two stuff like that

here's the eyes, don't kill me - I try drawing some realistic details on top with no reference and no idea if this is how it's done X_X

And time for some pyramids and a very peculiar house?

That's all I've got for today, gonna sleep.


For keboard shortcuts I use C and V to increase and decrease brush size as marc suggests, Cant live without that at this point. I also use CTRL Y to go to greyscale and F5 to flip canvas. Thats about all I changed. Keep up the good work!

Sup all. Snakker here.

Interesting Lockenheim, that flip canvas seems super useful. As for going greyscale, that's to better judge the overall shading when you are working with color?

Anyhow, life getting in the way as usual, posting a couple from yesterday morning, and hopefully I'll have more time today to work on more figure drawing and exercises

Also, I'm gonna draw a lot of cylinders, I think my cylinders suck X_X gotta work on that



Another thing I wonder is how you guys setup your shortcuts, I know this
will vary a lot between artists, I'm currently using the two buttons on
the stylus as B and E for quick access between brush and eraser, have a
small Huion keypad for shortcuts like F (screen modes), X (switch
colors), optn (color picker) Hand tool, transform, cmnd + optn (keep
perfect circle or proportions when transforming)

My tablet:

My shortcuts in this order:

1 Undo***
2 Redo***
3 increase brush size
4 decrease brush size - (i just use [ and ] on the keyboard more tho XD cuz i can hold it down and increase/decrease size faster instead of clicking it multiple times)
5 Zoom out***
6 Brush - (i just click on the brush i want most of the time now)
7 Eraser - (i just click on the eraser i want most of the time now)
8 Save - (ctrl +s)***

on the pen i have:
- zoom in***
- Move tool/hand tool***

*** = i use this a lot. everything else not so much/rarely

all other shortkeys i use directly on my laptop keyboard

Wow, thanks for the tips Mitsuki, I'm still working out what works best for me, I like the idea of having the hand tool on the pen, gonna give this a try.

Here are some more doodles, I am starting to have a serious love/hate relationship with cylinders, but feel I shouldn't move forward without at least getting a little more comfortable drawing them as I see they are used a lot.

So here I was playing with cylinders, for some reason one of them looked like a weird creature, so I ended up making a little doodle of a creature with some contour lines trying to make it look 3d, then I added a scene around it.

Also, one of my cylinders started looking broken with the contour lines, so I ended up really breaking it and then I tried painting it (I probably should have looked for some reference on how the metallic surface would look, but I didn't)

Hope you enjoy


The creature looks cool and the broken cylinder looks SO awesome!! :smiley: nice work!

Yep going to greyscale is to check the values, the values are what really gives the feel of 3d so I think they are super super important. Really nice work with these 30 day challenge! Bending those cylinders is super hard, I remember pulling my hair out when doing those exercise. Keep it up you are doing well!

Hey everybody, snakker here, continuing with the 30 day thing. So far, I have to admit, this is way more fun than it seemed to be at first glance. I'm noticing improvement in how I see 3D space on canvas, maybe not how it ends up looking, but at least I feel I can "see" better. The execution is the problem. However, I'm also feeling more confident in my lines, even though I sometimes use some fuzzy lines :stuck_out_tongue:

I'm also very glad to be able to share this journey with you guys and gals, so far I'm really enjoying this space.

Lockenheim, thanks for the comment, and yeah definitely tough to bend those cylinders

Prinzmoana, thanks :smiley:

As for today, I mustered some time and got through a couple more of the exercises, also tried painting a bit. My rendering and color still suck for sure, but it was very fun to try :smiley:

enjoy, cheers

Snakker here,

Been working on some cylinders for today


Today was the extruded cube thing, I think my light and shading is messed up but he did say to shade it

Anyways, if you have any criticism I'm all ears, also does anyone know of a faster way to get a bunch of reference pictures into photoshop at once for those pose practices?
